Saturday, April 1, 2017

Eufaula Wildlife Refuge #3 - Ospreys - Alligators

We went to the 3rd section of the Eufaula Wildlife Refuge Friday and liked it so much we went back Saturday.  The first four photos are of a mating pair of ospreys that didn't want us near their nest (which was on top of a 60 ft. pole) and circled us the whole time we were in the area.  The female finally went back to the nest when we got about 75 yards away.

There are about a dozen birds and a couple alligators (way down the road)  in this photo (unfortunately I had the telephoto lens on the camera instead of the regular kit lens so the background is blurred) but this gives you an idea of the abundance of wildlife here

Typical road through the refuge

Common Egret

Common Egret

This guy was huge - I would estimate 13 to 14 feet - I got uncomfortably close to get this photo - this is probably the biggest alligator we have seen - we saw him again on the way out of the refuge

A flock of American Coots that decided to leave when we got near

Baby alligator with its characteristic yellow stripes

About an 8 footer

Common Egret - these birds are quite large - they are about 32" tall with a 55" wingspan

About a 6 footer

A group of egrets

More egrets facing into the wind prepared for takeoff if we got too close

Another alligator

A different view - head from the rear

This is often all you see

White Ibis

Cottontail rabbit hiding from us

10 foot alligator hiding under a lily pad

Great Blue Heron from the rear - I tried to get a good picture of one of these (there were lots of them) but they are very skittish and getting a photo is difficult - they are quite large - they average 38" tall with a 70" wingspan

The entrance to the refuge and our truck under the Spanish moss

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