Friday, February 10, 2017

Twin Rivers State Forest

We took a couple long hikes at local wildlife management areas this week - didn't take many pictures as they weren't that scenic and there wasn't that much wildlife.  We did get a picture of  turkey vulture and a deer but that was about it - we did see several other deer but they were gone before I could get a picture.

Cute little devil

One of the many deer we saw

Today we decided to try a state forest and it was a great hike.  We went to Twin Rivers State Forest which is on the Suwannee River near Live Oak, Florida.  We hiked a little over 6 miles and had a good time - the pictures don't do it justice.  The first image is of the Suwannee River looking North.

Suwannee River looking South

Tree overhanging the river covered with Spanish Moss

 Live Oak tree with Spanish Moss overhanging the river

Donna & Darby Of The Jungle

Lots of palm trees in the forest

A large old palmetto tree

 Typical foliage along the river

 View Of The Trail

 View Of The Trail

                                                                       View Of The Trail

Monday, February 6, 2017

Suwannee River Rendezvous Resort & Campground, Mayo, FL

We arrived at Suwannee River Rendevous Resort and Campground in Mayo, Florida, on Sunday afternoon - about a 5 hour drive from where we were in South Carolina.  So far we are pleased with the campground - it is very quiet and is located right on the Suwannee River and it is home to "Convict Springs" a famous natural spring which is on the property.  

Our campsite

 One of the streets of the campground

Catch and release fishing pond

Live oak trees and Spanish moss

Frank's hen house

The office

The restaurant - open Fri. -  Sun. - it is supposed to be very good - we haven't tried it yet

Suwannee River

Suwannee River

 Suwannee River

Donna & Darby at the river

The boat launch - kayak launch 

The azaleas are in bloom

One of the many rental cottages

The wading pool and hot tub - the big pool is behind them 

Another one of the streets in the campground

The huge dog park

 Darby chasing a tug of war rope (Donna had just thrown it - see arrow pointing to rope)

 RC car racetrack

They also have pigeon races on Saturday - not sure exactly how that works - will post an update after we see it