Thursday, October 6, 2016

Rattlesnake Mountain Hike - Raymond, ME

Wednesday we took a short hike (short but quite strenuous) to the summit of Rattlesnake Mountain via the Bri-Mar Trail. It is about a two mile hike that we turned into a 3 mile hike by taking a wrong turn on the way down the mountain causing us to climb back up about a half mile.   

The Graffiti Tree

Panorama looking South

 Panorama Looking West - Lake Sebago In The Distance On The Right

 Looking West To The Presidential Mountain Range In New Hampshire (White Mountains)

North Conway, NH - Fryeburg Fair (Fryeburg, Maine)

Tuesday we left early and went to North Conway, NH (just over the border from Maine) to get the truck inspected - New Hampshire allows getting your vehicle inspected up to 4 months before it is due - we were due in January so we are good now until Jan. of 2018.   The covered bridge below is in North Conway near where we got the truck inspected.

After getting the truck inspected we drove South towards Ossipee, NH to get a picture of Mt. Chocorua - unfortunately Mother Nature wasn't cooperating and the peak of the mountain was in the clouds - we waited about a half hour but the clouds didn't lift.    The second picture (of a picture) is what it would look like without the clouds.  I used to climb this back in the 60's - not sure if I could do it now - it is quite a strenuous hike & climb as I recall. 

I thought this sign at the lake was a joke but I looked it up when we got home and it is a real thing. Ducks carry a parasite that can cause swimmers itch in humans.  Drawing ducks to swimming areas by feeding them can infect the swimming area -  who knew.  The moral of the story is "If you are itching to swim with ducks you probably will".

We then went and spent the rest of the day at the Fryeburg Fair in Fryeburg, Me. The Fryeburg Fair is the largest agricultural fair in Maine and has been held every year since 1851.  Harness Racing is one of the big draws.

Nice ride!

 A couple very large steers (Donna for scale)

 Nice old wagon from New Brunswick, Canada

What a fine looking turkey!

A handsome guy.

 Another handsome guy.

Beautifully restored antique stage coach

Nicely restored antique Gypsy Wagon

 More nicely restored wagons