Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Kolomoki Indian Mounds, Blakely, GA - Misc. Photos

Today we visited the Kolomoki Indian Mounds in Blakely, Georgia, about 30 miles from where we are staying.  The mounds date back to 250 to 950 AD and the area was believed to be a center of population and activity in North America.  The second picture below is of the largest mound which is the temple mound that was used for ceremonies.  It measures 325 feet by 200 feet at the base and is 56 feet high.  The smaller mound that you can see in the distance in the fourth picture is one of several burial mounds.  

Temple Mound

View of the top of the temple mound

View from the top of the temple mound showing one of the burial mounds in the distance and the plaza area where the village once stood.

The museum is built into the side of one of the burial mounds that was excavated in 1956.  The two following photos are from inside the museum of the excavated mound as it was left in 1956.  According to radio carbon dating results this mound dates from the 170 B.C. to 150 C.E. period.

The following images are of some of the pottery that was excavated at the site - all dating from the 250 to 950 CE period  

Waterlily (taken at Kolomoki Mounds State Park)

This is a duck that swims past our campsite most every morning and evening - happened to catch him one evening when the light was good for a photo.

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