Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sunrise This AM - Verizon Unlimited Plan

Sunrise from our campsite at about 6:30 this morning

Verizon Unlimited Plan - We upgraded our Verizon data plan last week from a 2 Gigabyte data plan to the new unlimited data plan so we would have internet most everywhere we go.  It works great so far using the phone as a hotspot - of course we have 4G service where we are right now - we'll see when we get to more remote locations.  With the new plan they no longer offer the senior citizen discount which was 10%.  They have gotten rid of this and most other discounts but the one discount they do offer is military which I was qualified for.  It is 15% so we ended up with a net of about $12./Mo. increase to go to the unlimited plan. 

Now as for the unlimited plan - it is not truly unlimited.  They do tell you up front that when you go over 22 Gigabytes/month you will be subject to throttling depending on the traffic  on the tower you are using.  This does not bother me too much.  What they don't make real clear upfront is that you are subject to throttling after 10 Gigabytes of hotspot or tethering use in any given month. Again we will have to see how this works out.

Now for the big issue I have with them so far.  I am 100% convinced that their data usage measurements are not accurate.  I have a pretty good idea how much data a typical You Tube Video or a typical 90 minute movie uses and their numbers are coming in about twice what I would expect. I may be a little off but I don't think I am that far off.  I am going to continue to monitor this to see if I can prove that their data usage figures aren't right.

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