Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kennebunkport, Bush Compound, Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge, Wells Beach

We took a drive to the Kennebunkport and Wells Beach area on Friday and viewed the Bush Compound, visited the Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge and Wells Beach.  

Bush Compound On Walker Point

Closeup of the house - I think I saw Dubya waving at me from a window but I'm not sure.

Looking south toward Kennebunkport from near the Bush Compound

 The Port At Kernnebunkport

 Kennebunkport Beach

 Donna Walking the breakwater at Kennebunkport

Entrance to the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge which has an interpretive trail through the coastal marsh.  We walked the trail which is only about a mile long.

Lobster boats in the port at Wells Beach 

Wells Beach looking North

 Wells Beach looking South

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