Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mountain Division Trail - South Windham, ME

It was a rainy morning so we didn't do much today.   We had to go to Windham, Me for some business so we found a trail in South Windham we could walk.  We intended to walk the "Mountain Division Trail" but we went South from our starting point rather than North and ended up on a part of the "Sebago To The Sea" trail.  We went about two miles before we turned around to do the other trail so we had already been 4 miles before we started on our intended trail.   This was a nice trail but there wasn't much to photograph. 

Part of the Sebago To The Sea Trail

The trail follows Black Brook, a tributary of the Presumpscot River, for a while. 

Darby spotted a chipmunk.

We made sure to stay on the trail.

Waterfalls & dam at an old retired power plant.

Finally back on the trail we originally intended to walk. 

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