Monday, September 26, 2016

Sebago Lake Land Reserve & Woodland Flamingo

Saturday we went hiking at the Sebago Lake Land Preserve which is a 500 acre preserve with 14.5 miles of hiking trails,  This is an extremely well maintained and well marked hiking area.  You have to fill out a land access permit form before entering which I had never seen before - it probably allows them to keep track of usage of the area.  We hiked five or six miles through the preserve.

One of the mile markers for the Sebago To The Sea trail which runs through the preserve - this is a 28 mile trail that runs from Sebago, ME to Portland, ME

One of the several ponds in the preserve - this one has a sandy beach.

Darby playing swim out and get the stick

Another pond

Trail Markers

Lots of nice benches on the trails

Deep in the woods we ran across a rare sight - the flamingus plasticus, rarely seen in the woods of Maine but much more common in coastal RV parks and campgrounds

Darby with his new friend

Boardwalk on trail through the bog area 

More trail markers

The amphitheater - poart of the nature learning center

Darby and Donna On the bleachers

Darby and Donna On the bleachers

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