Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Great National Grasslands Boondocking Spot - Wall Drug - Badlands National Park

We moved from Elk Mountain to a boondocking spot near Wall, SD.  This is a great spot, probably the best boondocking spot we have had.  It is on Buffalo Gap National Grasslands land and overlooks the north edge of Badlands National Park (we are within sight of the entrance to the National Park). We are on a bluff overlooking the South Dakota Badlands a couple hundred feet below.

Our Route

  Our Site - no one real close  - also, our new solar panels - we have four 100 watt panels on the roof and just added two more 100 watt panels that we can position on the ground - they are working out great

View from the window of the camper

View from the window of the camper

View from the window of the camper

Wall Drug
Wall Drug is a famous tourist stop in Wall, South Dakota - it is somewhat like "South Of The Border" in South Carolina with frequent billboards on the Interstate for 100 miles before you get there.  It is mainly a tourist trap with an enormous gift shop, several places to eat and a few other shops.  

They have a few animatronic displays that were built in the 50's and are still working

Donna with a Don Imus look alike

This animatronic display was quite good - they even kept time to the music

The obligatory jackalope

Badlands National Park

Several Views Of The Park

A heard of mule deer around a watering hole

Big Horn Sheep On A Steep Cliff - these were all females and lambs - didn't see any rams with the big horns

Mother and lamb

Same mother and lamb

A few buffalo at prairie dog town - if you look close you can see 3 prairie dogs in the foreground.  We found out that the buffalo prefer to graze around prairie dog towns because the grass has more nutrients in it - we looked for this and it was pretty consistent that when you saw buffalo, there were prairie dogs nearby

Buffalo Close-ups

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