Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Medina Lake RV Park, All White Deer, San Antonio River Walk, The Alamo

On Saturday we traveled from the Colorado River Campground in Columbus, Texas to Medina Lake RV Park in Lakehills, Texas.  This is another very nice a Texas size campground - we hiked the perimeter of the park and it was almost 4 miles.  It is located on Medina Lake which is an 8-1/2 square mile man made reservoir on the Medina River.

Our Route

Our Campsite

Donna and Darby down by the lake

Another view of the lake

View from directly behind the camper - if you look close you can see about 30 deer in the picture

Egyptian Geese - these geese are not native to the US - they are from Africa - I read that there are wild populations of them primarily in California, Texas and Florida - most likely decendents of birds that escaped captivity from zoos or private collections

All white deer on one of the hiking trails - not an albino - note the black nose and dark eyes. This condition is called leucism.  White deer with some brown are generally called leucistic or piebald - still a pretty rare sight

A few of the many friendly deer at the park.

This is the biggest buck we saw

 The Alamo
View of  one of the walls around the Alamo

The Alamo

Close-up of the entrance to the Alamo

San Antonio River Walk
We were more impressed with the San Antonio River Walk than the Alamo.  The River Walk is below street level in the heart of the city and extends for several miles with restaurants, hotels, shops, etc.  It is a very peaceful place in the heart of a bustling city.

Back at street level - our first unicorn of the trip!

Horse drawn carriage in front of the Alamo complex

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