Friday, February 23, 2018

Four Days Of Rain - Colorado River RV Campground

We moved from the Intracoastal Park in Louisiana to the Colorado River RV Campground in Columbus, Texas.   The campground is located on the Colorado River (this is another Colorado River - not the more famous one in Colorado).  We got here on Tuesday and it has rained the entire time until this afternoon - we are leaving tomorrow AM so we didn't get out to see much.

Our Route

This is a very nice 1000 Trails campground - lots of space and lots of amenities.  Photo below is of the entrance.

Our site in the pecan grove - most of the big trees in the campground are pecan trees.

View of the Colorado River looking south near our campsite

                                View of the Colorado River looking north near our campsite

A flock of white pelicans (not a great picture - it was taken from inside the RV in the rain so it is a little hazy)

More white pelicans taken from inside the RV

There is a heard of approximately 20 deer that live at the campground

We were able to take a 3 mile hike today around the campground and took this photo of two turkey vultures in a dead tree - I was facing the sun so the picture looks like it is in silhouette 

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