Monday, October 30, 2017

Peoples Creek Missouri, Lake Wappapello, Mingo Wildlife Preserve, Bald Eagles, Raccoons

Wednesday we moved from the Ray Behrens Recreation Area to Peoples Creek Recreation Area in Wappapello, Missouri - about 4 hours further south of where we were.

Our Campsite at Peoples Creek on Lake Wappapello

The marina next door to our campground

Back side of the dam near our campsite

View from across the lake - only a couple miles across the lake but it was an 18 mile drive and a 3 mile hike to get to where this photo was taken

Sunset on Lake Wappapello just below our campsite

Lake Wappapello has it's "ducks in a row" - I think maybe they were lining up to get ready to migrate - not sure

Found an old cemetery in the woods on one of our hikes - here is a Confederate soldier's gravestone

We spent part of a day at the Mingo Wildlife Preserve, about 8 miles from the campground - most of these wildlife photos are from there.

Blue heron in flight

Bald Eagle

A second bald eagle not far away - probably the mate ofthe first one

Another blue heron

Raccoon digging in the mud - there were two of them but the other one wouldn't turn around to get his picture taken

Another blue heron

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