Monday, October 23, 2017

Mark Twain Lake Campground, Hannibal, MO - Tom Sawyer - Huck Finn

Friday we relocated to Ray Behrens Recreation Area on Mark Twain Lake in Perry, Missouri.  This is a large lake that covers about 30 Sq. Mi.  and has 285 miles of shoreline.  It was created by the Army Corps of Engineers and is controlled by the Clarence Cannon Dam.

Our Route

Our Campsite

A small part of Mark Twain Lake

Clarence Cannon Dam

Dam Outflow

On Sunday we visited Hannibal, Missouri, Mark Twain's home town.  They were having a craft festival the day we were there.

Views Of Main Street

Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Statue At The End Of Main Street

View From Cardiff Hill

Mark Twain Memorial Lighthouse - was erected on the 100th anniversary of his birth


Mississippi River Looking South

Mississippi River Looking North

Mark Twain Statue At The Riverfront

Darby Looking At The River

The Mark Twain Riverboat

We also went to the Hannibal Museum which had a lot of Mark Twain memorabilia

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