Monday, September 11, 2017

Soo Locks - Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

On Tuesday we moved from our campsite in Charlotte, Mi to a County RV Park in Kinross, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula.  

Our Campsite

Entrance to Soo Locks which allow ships to navigate between Lake Superior and Lake Huron (Huron is about 18 ft lower than Superior)

Photo of a photo of the locks taken in the visitor center

A tug boat and a 1000+ foot freighter going through the locks

The Edgar B. Speer - a 1002 foot freighter going through the locks from Lake Superior to Lake Huron

The Army Corps Of Engineers Lock Control Building - opposite shore is Canada

The Mesabi Miner - Another 1002 Foot Freighter Waiting Its Turn To Pass Through The Locks From Lake Huron to Lake Superior

The Edgar G. Speer

Another Picture Of The Edgar B. Speer With the Bridge To Canada In The Background

E. G. Speer and the Canada Bridge

Bridge To Canada

Monument commemorating the opening of the St. Mary's Canal

The grounds of the Soo Locks were once home to forts owned by the French, British and Americans

Approximate site of the forts

Store In Downtown Sault Ste. Marie - The Edmund Fitzgerald was lost about 20 to 30 miles from here

Interesting sidewalk art

A fountain near the locks

View of downtown Sault Ste. Marie (Darby lower right)

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