Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Update For Last Few Weeks

We have been in New Hampshire for the past three weeks taking care of some personal business and haven't done a blog post for a while - this will be a quick update of our travels to New Hampshire.

We left Red Bridge Campground in the Allegheny Forest in Western Pennsylvania on May 6th and traveled to Tioga Downs Racetrack and Casino  in Nichols, New York.   We didn't know that the 6th was their opening day for harness racing - the place was absolutely packed - we were very lucky to have found a place to park the camper - if we had arrived later in the day we would not have gotten in as all the parking lots were full and we couldn't have maneuvered the camper to a parking spot - as it was we got there early and were able to park on the edge and out of the way in one of their overflow parking lots.  It is a good thing we didn't have to leave as we were blocked in for several hours.  On the plus side they had an amazing fireworks display that evening that we were able to watch from the camper.  The next day we traveled to another casino and race track in Saratoga, New York that was much less crowded (casinos allow free overnight RV parking which is the reason we stopped at the two casinos).   On the 8th we drove to Mile Away Campground in  Henniker, New Hampshire.  We had a lot of problems getting from New York to Vermont as the first three routes we tried had low bridges crossing the Hudson river.  We ended up going about 50 miles out of our way but we finally made it into Vermont.  We didn't have any problems in Vermont or New Hampshire (other than a mini-snow storm on top of the mountains in Vermont).  We stayed at Mile Away Campground in Henniker, New Hampshire for a couple of days where we emptied all of our holding tanks and  spent a day cleaning the outside of the RV (we planned to look for a new RV in New Hampshire and needed the RV to be presentable if we ended up trading it in).  It was then a very short trip to the Manchester, NH area where we have been staying for the past few weeks.

Our Travels For the Past Few Weeks

All the states we have been in since September 9, 2016 when we sold the house.  We hit most of the East Coast and a few of the contiguous inland states, just missing Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Delaware.

We did buy a new RV - haven't taken delivery yet but we should have it by the 7th of June and are planning a shakedown cruise to Acadia National Park in Maine before we head West.

We will post info about the new RV in the next blog.

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