Thursday, April 13, 2017

Mammoth Cave, KY via Clarksville, TN

Tuesday we left the Corinth Recreation Area in Alabama with plans to spend a week in Clarksville, TN which is just a little north and west of Nashville.  We planned to spend at least a day in Nashville and several days checking out the surrounding area.  We arrived in Clarksville and I will just leave it at we were very underwhelmed with the campground there.  So . . .  we spent one night and packed up the next morning and headed to Mammoth Cave National Park - the great thing about an RV is if you don't like where you are you can move - we will return to Nashville on another trip.  The National Park campground is great as is the park itself.  We may spend more than a week here to be able to see everything.  The campground is only about half full and is very peaceful and nicely laid out.  We have reservations Sunday to tour the caves - the tours were booked up until Saturday so we decided on Sunday since it is supposed to rain that day.  Mammoth Cave is the largest cave system in the world - over 400 miles have been explored with much that has yet to be explored.  I have been to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico which was very impressive - we will see Sunday how Mammoth Cave compares.

Our Campsite at Mammoth Cave National Park

The campground check in kiosk

The park even has its own post office (walking distance from the campground)

Original late 1800's train car and engine from when it was the only way to get to the caverns

Probably late 1800's to early 1900's photo of visitors to the caverns

Part of the visitors center

The front of the visitors center

Stephen Tyng Mather bronze plaque - Mather was instrumental in forming the National Park Service in the early 1900's

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