Sunday, April 9, 2017

Back To Sipsey River Wilderness Area - 100 Foot Cave - Wildflowers

We went back to the Sipsey River Wilderness area today to do the trail we intended to do last time. This trail has waterfalls and caves and follows the river for about 5 miles (round trip).   This is a deep gorge with sandstone cliffs and rocks on both sides towering over 100 feet in some areas - quite an amazing place - it is difficult to show the scale of the cliffs and ledges in the photos.

Typical view of the river from the trail

There is a 100 foot cave you have to go through to continue on the trail - it would be difficult to go over the top and the other option would be to go in the river and wade around the ledges.

The entrance to the cave

The exit of the cave

Donna and Darby entering the cave (on the return trip - had to go through twice)

Donna and Darby going through the "Fat Man Squeeze" section of the cave - I understand that is the local name for this section from reading reviews on line

Fat man squeeze

Fat man squeeze - it gets pretty tight - glad I lost weight - might not have made it through

View of the cave from the other end

Some of the many rocks and cliffs

Donna and Darby in front of a typical outcropping

Donna and Darby in front of a typical cliff

Lots of interesting sedimentary rock formations - mostly sandstone

It is hard to tell in the picture but this is about a 60 foot waterfall - not much water flowing today as it has been dry

Unusual pock marks in the sandstone

Wildflowers Along the Trail

Spring Beauty

Bumble bee on some Virginia Bluebells

Lanceleaf Trilium

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