Thursday, February 7, 2019

Another Quick Update - North Carolina To Louisiana

We are heading to New Mexico and Arizona for the rest of the winter and so far have made it to Delhi, Louisiana.  Tomorrow we will be in Jefferson, Texas.   We are travelling mostly on I-20 this year (last year we traveled west on I-10 - this year we are taking a more northerly route).  Finally hit some warm weather - it has been mid-seventies while we have been in Louisiana but tomorrow will drop back to the upper 40's for a couple days. 

We have stayed mostly at Army Corps Of Engineer Campgrounds since North Carolina - we have stayed at Mckinney Campground in Ackworth, GA, R. Shaefer Heard Campground in West Point, GA (have stayed here twice before), Gunter Hill Campground in Montgomery, AL, Twiltley Branch Campground in Collinsville, MS, and are currently at Poverty Point Campground in Delhi, LA (stayed here once before also).

The following are just a few random pictures - we haven't been out much due to mostly cold and rainy weather but we will get back on track to get some more interesting pictures soon. 

We are planning on adding videos to the blog in the near future.  We recently purchased a GoPro camera and a better laptop to handle video editing (our laptops are old and don't handle the large video files well).  We wanted to have the video capability for when we go to Alaska - so we will start posting some "practice" videos soon and hopefully will know what we are doing before we leave for Alaska.

Our Route

Alabama Snowman

Gunter Hill Campground

Spanish Moss At Gunter Hill

Twiltley Branch Campground

Walking To The Gatehouse At Twiltley Branch

Our Campsite At Twiltley Branch

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