Friday, October 26, 2018

Hot Springs, Arkansas National Park - Gulpha Gorge Campground

Since our last post we have moved to Gulpha Gorge Campground, the National Park Campground at Hot Springs, Arkansas.  We enjoyed Hot Springs and in fact extended our stay there a couple days.

Our site at Gulpha Gorge 

The Arlington Hotel - guests over the years have included Al Capone, Babe Ruth, Franklin Roosevelt, Tony Bennett, etc.

Front of the Arlington Resort Hotel and Spa

Fordyce Bathhouse - The headquarters for the National Park - This building has been restored and has many rooms furnished as they would have been in the 1920's - it is located in the center of "Bathhouse Row"

 1920's state of the art spa equipment

Ladies lounging area with original stained glass ceilings

                                           Men's lounging area with original stained glass ceilings

Gymnasium with original equipment

Hubbard Tub Room - for invalids

Lamar Bathhouse - One of the several bathhouses on bathhouse row

Quapaw Bathhouse - on bathhouse row

Ozark Bathhouse

Buckstaff-Baths bathhouse

Hot Springs Mountain Tower  - 216 foot tall observation tower overlooking Hot Springs

View of Hot Springs from the tower

Another view of Hot Springs from the tower

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