Thursday, August 30, 2018

Darby's Operation - We Finally Left Oregon

Just another quick update - we haven't been able to do much since Darby's operation.  He had a titanium hinge type thing put in his knee - the operation went well and he is recovering nicely - no major problems other than he is miserable because he is confined to the living room area of the camper and can't spend much time outside.   We built him a ramp to get in and out of the camper and he has adjusted to that pretty well.

We left Crook County RV Park (near where Darby had his operation) and traveled to Chickahominy Reservoir Campground (near Burns, Oregon), then on to Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon - all pretty unremarkable.   We are now at Three Island Crossing State Park in Glenns Ferry, Idaho.  This is a beautiful State Park with well maintained grounds, large sites, and friendly staff.

Our Route

Our site at Three Islands Crossing State Park.  Three Islands Crossing is on the Old Oregon Trail and was the most hazardous river crossing for the pioneers who traveled the Oregon Trail.  We went to the crossing and the visitors center but I didn't have my camera with me (was a spur of the moment thing on our way back from getting groceries) so no pictures.

Darby's shaved leg and back

Much of the time we were in Oregon, the skies looked like this - this is a midday picture on a mostly cloudless day believe it or not.  The smoke in the air was coming down from multiple massive wildfires in Washington, Idaho and Canada and some of it was coming up from wildfires in California.

Another midday picture on a reportedly cloudless day

Sunrise in Oregon - this was after partial clearing of the smoke but still enough smoke in the air to affect the sunrise (normally I don't do sunrises but we have been getting up early with Darby since he had his operation).

We are heading to a site near the Craters Of The Moon National Monument tomorrow and will be there over the Labor Day Weekend.   Then, we will finally be on our way to Yellowstone.

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