Monday, April 16, 2018

Horseshoe Bend - Glen Canyon Dam

We hiked the  Horseshoe Bend trail in Page, AZ this AM (just a few miles from our campsite in UT).  The prime time for photographing this famous site on the Colorado River is early AM just after sunrise or late evening just before sunset - of course we were there at high noon on a cloudy day but the place is so photogenic that the pictures still came out pretty good. 

We intentionally waited until a weekday to go here due to the crowds - still pretty busy though - the hole in the ground at left center is where you view Horseshoe Bend

On our way back to the campground we stopped at the Glen Canyon Dam Visitor Center for a little while.  The dam, which was built in the late 50's, dams the Colorado River to form Lake Powell which is 186 miles long

The dam and the Glen Canyon Bridge to Page, AZ 

This weekend there were a couple of powered para-gliders that took off and landed on the beach at the campground

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