Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Change Of Plans - Heading North

We had planned to continue West to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Quartzite,  Joshua Tree National Park, Death Valley, etc. but it is just getting too hot in the desert to continue on this southerly route so we have headed North.  We left Snyder Hill BLM near Tucson, AZ yesterday and are now at Cave Creek Regional Park just North of Phoenix located in Maricopa County - home of "Sheriff Joe".  This is a beautiful campground with miles of hiking trails.  This is just a short  two day stopover on our way to our new destinations (hopefully cooler) of Winslow, AZ, the Petrified Forest, the Painted Desert and the Grand Canyon.  The pics below are just random shots from around the park mostly from a four mile hike we did fairly early today before it got too hot. 

Our Route

Our campsite

Several hot air balloons were launched nearby at about 7 AM this morning - photo is from our campsite - balloons were about a mile away

These are the fruit of a barrel cactus which I read are edible - I'll take their word for it

Bloom from an Ocotillo cactus

Saguaro Close-up

Another cactus bloom

An old mine on the in the park with an interesting story

Sunset from our campsite last evening

Views from this morning's hike up the mountain

Ocotillo Cactus in bloom

A morning trail ride - the park rents horses and also caters to horse owners with several of the campsites having private corrals for the campers horses

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