Monday, March 19, 2018

Cloudcroft, New Mexico - Elevation 8700 Feet

On Saturday we visited Cloudcroft, New Mexico, a small resort village located in the Sacramento Mountains at an elevation of about 8700 feet.  It was 70 degrees in the desert when we left and 40 degrees at Cloudcroft when we got there.   The town has many shops and is located in the Lincoln National Forest which has many hiking trails mainly on the old rail bed of the El Paso and Northeastern Railroad built in the late 1800's.

The Downtown Area

Donna, Darby and an 8 foot wooden Indian

We hiked one of the trails to one of the many railroad trestle bridges.  We only went two miles but it seemed like five at the 8700 foot altitude.

View from the trail - the white near the center of the image is White Sands 4400 feet below (the White Sands are at 4300 feet elevation) and about 30 miles away.

One of the unique bridges on the railroad route

The bridge collapsed in 1960 - this is what is left

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