Saturday, March 10, 2018

Bottomless Lakes State Park, Antelope, Siera Blanca Peak

We took a short trip to Bottomless Lakes State Park today to do some hiking.  Bottomless Lakes SP is a series of  nine sinkholes that have filled with water.  They were formed much like Carlsbad Caverns when surface water water eroded the limestone and gypsum layers of rock beneath causing caverns.  The caverns collapsed causing the sink holes which filled with fresh water. 

Double Sink Hole  Called Figure Eight Lake

Donna And Darby On The Edge Of A Sinkhole

Another Sinkhole

The Largest Sink Hole - Lea Lake 

Herd of Antelope Just Outside The Park 

On the way back from the park took this view of Sierra Blanca, an 11,981 Foot Inactive Volcano. This pic is from about 80 miles away - we should be driving past this en route to our next destination - will try to get some better pics of it.

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