Saturday, December 8, 2018

Quick Update On Our Whereabouts

Since the last post we have covered quite a bit of ground on our way back to Virginia for the Holidays.  We haven't been out and about that much because it has been mostly cold and rainy for much of the past few weeks.  We are currently in Shelby, NC waiting for a winter storm to hit - we are scheduled to leave Monday but may have to stay over an extra day if the roads are not clear. 

Our Route & Campgrounds

 The following are misc. photos from the past few weeks.

Mother snake and her brood

Did I mention we have had a lot of rain - the trees are on an island

This was our favorite site of the past few weeks - South Cove County Park Campground is on an island on Lake Keowee in Seneca, SC (near Clemson, SC).  Our site was at the very tip of the island (this campsite was added recently so it doesn't show up on the satellite view - see next image)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Arkansas Post - Poverty Point, Mississippi World Heritage Site - Gulf Islands National Seashore

We have made several stops since the last post and are currently at the Gulf Islands National Seashore  (Davis Bayou Campground) in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.  The most notable stops were  Pendleton Bend Campground which is near Arkansas Post - a noted historic site, and Poverty Point State Park which is home to a World Heritage Site (Poverty Point Indian Mounds).

Visitor Center at Arkansas Post National Memorial

Arkansas Post was established as a trading post by the French in 1686 and was the site of battles during the American Revolution and the Civil War.  It was also the original capital of Arkansas.  A lot of history occured at this location but unfortunately very little remains to be seen today.

 Notrebe's  cistern

A reconstructed settlers cabin

Some of the history of Arkansas Post

This plaque is at the Poverty Point Indian Mounds in Epps, Louisiana near Poverty Point State Park.
This is the site of prehistoric earthworks that date back to 1700 BC

From the top of Mound A (our truck in the distance)

Mound A from the South

Artifacts excavated from the area

Some of the guest cabins at Poverty Point State Park Campground

These pics are from the Gulf Islands National Seashore - unfortunately many of the access points to the ocean were closed due to hurricane damage so we didn't get a lot of pictures

This is a picture of the Gulf from the shore in Ocean Springs with the Biloxi skyline in the distance

A tattered flag - recent storm damage - in addition to the hurricane, there was a tornado that went through here (while we were here) that did a lot of damage - it just missed the campground by a couple miles

From near our campsite

Friday, October 26, 2018

Hot Springs, Arkansas National Park - Gulpha Gorge Campground

Since our last post we have moved to Gulpha Gorge Campground, the National Park Campground at Hot Springs, Arkansas.  We enjoyed Hot Springs and in fact extended our stay there a couple days.

Our site at Gulpha Gorge 

The Arlington Hotel - guests over the years have included Al Capone, Babe Ruth, Franklin Roosevelt, Tony Bennett, etc.

Front of the Arlington Resort Hotel and Spa

Fordyce Bathhouse - The headquarters for the National Park - This building has been restored and has many rooms furnished as they would have been in the 1920's - it is located in the center of "Bathhouse Row"

 1920's state of the art spa equipment

Ladies lounging area with original stained glass ceilings

                                           Men's lounging area with original stained glass ceilings

Gymnasium with original equipment

Hubbard Tub Room - for invalids

Lamar Bathhouse - One of the several bathhouses on bathhouse row

Quapaw Bathhouse - on bathhouse row

Ozark Bathhouse

Buckstaff-Baths bathhouse

Hot Springs Mountain Tower  - 216 foot tall observation tower overlooking Hot Springs

View of Hot Springs from the tower

Another view of Hot Springs from the tower