Friday, December 1, 2017

Twin Lakes Campground, Lake Hartwell, Pendleton, South Carolina

Well we finally left the 1000 Trails campground and moved just a little way East to Twin Lakes Recreation Area in Pendleton , South Carolina just a few miles from Clemson University.  This is a very nice Army Corps Of Engineers campground on Lake Hartwell  which is a about 50 miles long and has 962 miles of coastline. 

I didn't do a map of the trip since it was so short but in its place is a map of our travels since we left NH on August 9th including where we expect to be for the next couple weeks.  We are at #23 this week and will be at #24 next week which is another 1000 Trails campground (we are going to try them one more time).  

Our site - we are on a little point surrounded on three sides by water

Part of the lake from behind our camper looking North

Looking South

View of our campsite from the lake

Blue Heron near the camper

View across the lake with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background 

Another view of the lake

We hiked the shore for a few miles today and found quite a variety of terrain from white sand beaches to a large rock quarry to long stretches of red clay - I took this pic because it reminded me of a Mars landscape

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