Saturday, April 29, 2017

On The Banks Of The Oh Hi Yo

Tuesday was a travel day - we moved from  Twin Knobs Campground  in the Daniel Boone National Forest To Leith Run Campground in the Wayne National Forest.  This is a very nice campground right on the Ohio River - we are between New Matamoras, OH and Newport, OH.  

Our Campsite

Complete with an engraved fire pit

One of the many nice walkways and paths leading to one of several gazebos and decks on the river

View of campground - our 5th wheel is in center of image

Another view - our 5th wheel in center - river in background

Ohio River looking South

Ohio River looking North

There are a lot of old oil rigs in the National Forest - I did some research and found out they have a lottery system (may be more like an auction) to allow drilling in selected areas of the forest.  It is just strange to be hiking a couple miles in the woods and run across an oil rig.  

Old Oil Rig Near Campground

Homemade Oil Rig Near Campground

We went hiking Wednesday and ended up going 9.5 miles and fairly steep and rugged terrain - info on the trail was scarce - we had no idea it would be so long - needless to say we were exhausted when we got back.
All that remains of an old homestead about 3 miles out in the woods 

Blue Eyed Mary

The forest floor was carpet in all directions with Blue Eyed Marys for about a mile along the hiking trail

Northern Ring Necked Snake - a common snake in Eastern OH but rarely seen as it generally hides under rocks and trees deep in the forest - this one was about a foot long - they run about 10" to 15" and are totally harmless

Some wild flowers from the hiking trail
Trumpet Flower

Wild Geranium

Violet Wood Sorrel

Royal Catchfly

White Trillium

Virginia Day Flower

Bear Corn - Squaw Root

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