Sunday, March 12, 2017

St. George's Island

We traveled to St. George's Island Saturday, about 25 miles from where we are camping.  The island is a 20 mile long sliver of land just off the coast from Eastpoint , Florida.  The island has a large State Park, a nature preserve and many shops, condos, and permanent and vacation homes.  It has a historic lighthouse at the center of the island.  

Lighthouse and Museum

Inside the museum - an old Fresnel lighthouse lens

Donna climbing the 96 steps to the top of the lighthouse

Panorama from atop the lighthouse looking East

Panorama looking West

The bridge back to mainland Florida

One of the gift shops - mainland in background

Looking South to the beach and the Gulf Of Mexico

Looking West

Looking East

Juvenile brown pelican

Juvenile brown pelican in flight (same one as above)

Juvenile brown pelican in flight (same one as above) - if you look closely you can see a piece of fishline hooked on him in this pic and the next



Laughing Gull

Sheepshead -  we saw a lady catch this on a fishing pier in Apalachicola (next town over from Eastpoint)

1/2 mile long fishing pier in Eastpoint and part of the bridge out to St. George's Island (St. George's Island in the background) 

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