Monday, February 20, 2017

Miscellaneous Stuff From Sunday & Monday

There seems to be some confusion over where we are in Florida - here is a map showing our location (we are about 2 hours WSW of Jacksonville and about 1-1/4 hours NW of Gainesville.

Our next door neighbor is a musician and he had an informal concert on Sunday afternoon.

Here is a snippet of "Don't Stop Believen" - he sequences the background music himself 

Our morning walk today - about 6 miles round trip in about 2 hours

All of the pictures below are from this morning's walk.

Sparrow Hawk

Pileated Woodpecker - these are one of the largest woodpeckers in North America and though they are not uncommon it is rare to see one and get a picture because they are quite wary and are usually deep in the woods.

Most of the mailboxes in the area face backwards - like a scene right out of bizarro world.  Our best guess is that because the roads here generally don''t have a shoulder, the mail person just pulls onto the grass, which is usually flat, to deliver the mail.  The roads here are mostly very straight and flat with fairly high speed limits so it is probably a safety issue.

We had six deer cross the road just in front of us - it all happened very quickly but I did get pictures of a couple of them.

Turkey vultures at the cattle's watering trough - this place is infested with turkey vultures - I have never seen so many.

This herd of cows followed us up the fence-row for about a quarter mile until they were stopped by an intersecting fence.  I think we were the highlight of their day.

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