Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sergeant Jasper Park - Alligators, Misc. Wildlife

Today we took about a four mile walk through Sgt. Jasper Park which is connected via a trail to the campground.  This is a very nice park with 9 small lakes and plenty of wildlife.  Sergeant Jasper was a revolutionary hero from the area (see second image below).

A large egret that wasn't thrilled with our presence. 

He immediately took flight upon seeing us and landed across the pond.

He is looking pretty smug with his escape from us.  We walked around to the other side of the pond and he had to repeat the process, returning to where he was originally.

Our first alligator sighting in South Carolina (have seen them in Fla. before but not here)

This is the same alligator - it is 6 to 7 feet long - an average size for the area from what I understand.  Darby was backing up into the woods - somehow he knows this is not something to mess with.  Donna thinks I should learn from him. 

Slider turtle - nothing remarkable just thought it was a nice picture.

More sliders

Turkey vulture showing white underside of wings - Donna calls them buzzards

The same turkey vulture

A very friendly Mockingbird - he let me get quite close for his photo.

The same Mockingbird

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