Thursday, September 22, 2016

Old Orchard Beach

We hadn't been to Old Orchard Beach for a number of years so we decided to spend a few hours there on Wednesday since it would likely be the last 80 degree day of the season.   The place hasn't changed much since I used to go there as a child in the 50's and 60's - still has the pier and the amusement park and the downtown area is largely unchanged. 

  (Click On Pics To Enlarge)
Approaching the pier from the North

Under the pier
 South Side Of Pier

Panoramic View - Click To Enlarge

 Panoramic View - Click To Enlarge

Part Of The Amusement Park (closed for the season)

 Carolyn - You will only be able to visit on Mon. - Fri.! (enlarge pic) 

 The East end of Main Street

Darby & Donna heading to the water

Darby & Donna Frolicking in the water (Darby is doing most of the frolicking)

Main St. looking West

Migrating Sandpipers spending some time in Maine before continuing South

 More Sandpipers

A juvenile seagull spreading his wings

Another juvenile out for a walk in the parking lot 

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