Saturday, September 10, 2016

Moonbat City We'll Miss You

The house is sold!  We have gone through the nerve-racking inspection process,  done the needed repairs which included radon mitigation, sheet rocking the garage ceiling, installing a fire door, and a few other odds and ends.  The closing was yesterday and we have moved on.  Our only regret is leaving Belfast.  Of all the places we have lived, we have enjoyed Belfast, aka Moonbat City, the most.   Belfast is known affectionately as Moonbat City primarily due to its diverse population which runs the gamut from artists and musicians to working waterfront folks.  Somehow though it all works and Belfast is one of the friendliest places we have lived.

Rather than ramble on about the virtues of Belfast I will just post an assortment of photos I have taken around Belfast during our time here.

Belfast Harbor

1812 Home

Darby & Donna Under Darby's Restaurant Sign

Church Built In 1797

Belfast & Moosehead Lake Railroad

Wannabe Seagull Chilling On The Docks

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